Decisive Living

Fruits Get a Boost from Government’s New Dietary Guidelines

(ARA) - We all know that fruits are good for us. They contain the vitamins and nutrients we need to make it through the day and stay healthy. Now the federal government is driving that message home in a big way. The recently updated USDA Dietary Guidelines recommend that Americans eat 2-5 servings of fruits a day, based on studies that link healthful diets, including these natural treats, to such health benefits as a lowered risk for certain cancers, stroke and heart disease. The USDA also recommends that the majority of fruit servings come from whole fruits, rather than fruit juices.

A tasty way to help meet the government’s new recommendations is by eating bananas. “Making bananas a part of your diet is a great way to get a lot of the nutrients your body needs, including fiber, vitamin C and vitamin B6, and especially potassium, an essential nutrient that most Americans are lacking in their diet,” says Jeff Filliater, senior vice president, Chiquita Fresh North America, a leading producer and distributor of quality fresh produce.

Here’s the lowdown on the health benefits of bananas:

Packed with an abundance of nutrients and great taste, it’s easy to see why bananas are the perfect way to meet the new dietary recommendations. With today’s on-the-go lifestyles, they’re a portable and healthy snack. They can also add great flavor and texture to smoothies, salads and many other dishes. This Perfectly Simple Smoothie is a simple and delicious way to enjoy this healthy fruit:

Chiquita Banana Perfectly Simple Smoothie


1 Chiquita banana

6 ounce carton of strawberry yogurt

1/2 cup crushed ice

Directions: In a blender, add one Chiquita banana, strawberry yogurt and crushed ice. Blend together. Pour into a cup and go.

For more information on the nutritional benefits of bananas or for more simple recipe ideas, log on to and click on the link that says “Discover.”

Courtesy of ARA Content